The Horror
I am so happy that I'm terrified.
-Charlotte, SATC Movie
-Charlotte, SATC Movie
Ok I know these blogs can be a little sappy, but I said I am going to document my happy moments as opposed to my sad one. I'm a journal keeper and the thing I remember about reading old journals is I tended to document the hurts more than any other emotion and even in my early blogging I documented more of the sad times than I did the good ones. I said one of the new things the new more adult solidly 35 me would do, would be to document the happy moments as much as the sad painful growing moments.
So here's my happy business...
Walking in my neighborhood today (pictured above) I picked up my phone to call Mandy. I wanted to tell her how happy I was today.Luckily for you she wasn't available and I NEEDED to get this out in the universe. Friday night we had a fight. I mean all couples do, lord KNOWS couples I'm involved in have them. TOM A and I we don't fight so much, but last night we had a fight. The thing is before I laid my head on my pillow our fight was done. He always knows how to work things out for us. He knows when to push and when to pull and he somehow knows what to say to diffuse the situation and get us back to us. Usually with a word or a gesture or action. It's like he knows what I need, between the lines. And it seems we never go to bed angry. It seems he feels like Crys. Crys believes that a good relationship is one that ends each night with you both in bed butt naked together no matter what happened before then. It's her aim to make every night end that way for she and her man. I think less risque folks call it never go to bed angry and MANY successful couples subscribe to the mantra. If we were a couple, we would. *lol* gunshy folks...I'm gunshy.
It's a bit scary, y'all. Even when we are wrong, we are right. Like I told the girls I am happy...HAPPIER than I ever have been. The thing is like Charlotte I'm a little terrified, because I can NOT imagine a better place to be in life, love, or laughter. It's a good terrified, but terrified still none the less. Life is not perfect but its still good.
Okay that's all, enough of my business...
Thanks for listening.
Be EZ,
"He always knows how to work things out for us. He knows when to push and when to pull and he somehow knows what to say to diffuse the situation and get us back to us." in other words...he knows how to make that AZZ act right!
that's what i'm talking about......